CNE has over thirty years of real-time experience. CNE has established a partnership with our clients in a variety of industries. We’ve developed special qualifications to create customized solutions for these fields:
Technology strategies that built a stronger foundation for custom applications.
Solutions that lets your practice focus on patient care not computer care. With an emphasis on HIPPA compliance.
Law offices have unique technology needs and requirements. CNE will help increase productivity by ensuring system availability and uptime to create a more secure and profitable environment.
Property Management
Instituting IT measures that secure control over numerous properties.
Service Business
Solutions that enable technology to preform to its fullest capacity.
Bring years of experience and knowledge of control to every project.
Personal Services & Care
Proactive Maintenance and support for complete uptime.
POS and Printing for maximum uptime.
CNE has personalized our services so we can help each business with all its technology needs and determine the best solutions for your Network cabling challenges
This industries list is by no means complete – Computer Network Experts provides progressive solutions that your company can rely on. We look forward to helping your business as well.
We have our customers’ best interests at heart
We take pride in taking on the jobs that competitors refuse and seeing them through to successful completion.
CNE is capable of assessing the most complicated, seemingly impossible issues and resolving them. Also, rest assured that your company’s information is always safe with us. We hold a high commitment to the integrity of our client’s information with the respect that partners can expect. These are a few examples that show how partnering with CNE will be a relationship you will want to keep for a long time.
In 1985 Rod Wiggins, Certified Network Engineer began servicing the Gainesville area businesses and individuals on a professional basis with the opening of his company Micromenders, a computer service and repair business. After many successful years, he decided to expand his services and goals by partnering with other highly certified individuals to form a new company, Computer Network Experts, Inc. (CNE). CNE quickly distanced itself from the competition by providing superior expertise and service to small businesses throughout North Central Florida. In doing so, CNE became North Florida’s leader in qualified service for a wide array of networking hardware and software.
CNE has formed alliances with Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo, HP, ESI and Axis IP Cameras to provide the best available solutions for businesses of any size or type. CNE support numerous networking platforms and is equipped to help you manage every aspect of your network.
Our Philosophy
Computer Network Expert’s philosophy is to form partnerships with its clients.
By choosing CNE to care for your information technology needs, you will benefit by having a trusted partner who will work diligently on your behalf. CNE offers valuable short or long-term computer solutions for business and residential clients. Our technicians are carefully selected for our clients to ensure that their experience, knowledge, training, and people skills will be maximized for your benefit. CNE’s staff takes pride in doing a job right and seeing it through to completion.